A “Meet & Greet” is an event where we meet and greet the public and, while we’re at it, tell them all about Danes and rescue. It’s a chance to socialize your Dane, do something for rescue, and enjoy the company of fellow Dane lovers.
At the M&G, we set up a table. We’ve got literature about MAGDRL to hand out, short applications, business cards with local contact name, and usually some great merchandise for sale. We answer questions about what our group does, why Danes are in need of rescue, if we have a saddle for that thing.
For more info on our Meet & Greets, contact Terri Tasto
Past Meet & Greets
Attending meet and greets
Only Danes who are very well behaved should attend events. If your Dane does any of the following on a regular basis (or even more than once, ever), leave your Dane at home and come help out:
- Bark often and loudly: at other dogs, at people, at running children
- is afraid of children or men or people with hats
- growls or snaps when nervous
- has issues with other dogs, of any size or breed
- does not like to be petted
- doesn’t like other dogs or kids in his/her face
We know that your Dane is the best Dane in the world. A MAGDRL event is not the place for training dogs, or for dogs who may have a few teeny tiny issues. If your Dane misbehaves, we may be asked to leave the store or worse, an event might occur. Please consider your dog’s safety as well as MAGDRL’s when deciding whether to bring your dog.